速報APP / 工具 / A38 WatchFace for Moto 360

A38 WatchFace for Moto 360





版本需求:Android 4.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:R701 Shinogawamachi 7-20 Shinjuku ward,Tokyo,JP DDR NET

A38 WatchFace for Moto 360(圖1)-速報App

Custom watch face specialized for Moto 360


- Awesome designer's watch face for you.

A38 WatchFace for Moto 360(圖2)-速報App

- Stylish with high presence design face! Designed by professional designer.

More watch faces for Moto 360

- Visit our exclusive watchface collections for Android Wear on the Play Store

A38 WatchFace for Moto 360(圖3)-速報App


For Android 6.0(and higher) phone users

Need to do following setup procedure after installation.

A38 WatchFace for Moto 360(圖4)-速報App



It will be installed on your watch automatically from your phone paired with your watch after a short time and please wait.

A38 WatchFace for Moto 360(圖5)-速報App

After installation,you can choose the watch face from the setting menu.

Or just long tap on the current watch face screen,so watch face selector screen will open.

Settings:Support color mode changing

A38 WatchFace for Moto 360(圖6)-速報App

- Auto switch Color mode and Black-and-White mode (when dimmed)

- Always Black and White mode

Settings:Support Black-and-White mode's color change

A38 WatchFace for Moto 360(圖7)-速報App

- You can select Black-and-White mode color from among seven colors.

Select 'Color filter at the time of the Black-and-White mode' on the setup screen.

Please note

A38 WatchFace for Moto 360(圖8)-速報App

- If you don't like this model please cancel your order in 15 minutes. And try another watch face.

*Smartphone and Android Wear(Moto 360) must be paired before you use it.


A38 WatchFace for Moto 360(圖9)-速報App

If you have a question,plsease contact our email address in English.